A Brief History:The Continental Societies, Inc.a public service organizationdedicated to the socio-economicand cultural welfare of under-privileged childrenand youth

The Continental Societies, Inc., a public service organization, dedicated to the socio-economic and cultural welfare of under-privileged children and youth, was organized in 1956 and incorporated nationally in 1972.

The Greater Miami Chapter of Continental Societies, Inc. was installed into the Societies January 30, 1988, at the Radisson Mart Hotel under the sponsorship of the Atlanta, Georgia chapter. It became the 32nd chapter in the 32nd year of Continental Societies, Inc. to officially become a member of the national organization. The installing officers were Dr. Lois Harrison-Jones, then National President, who was superintendent of Richmond, Virginia Public Schools; Edna Calhoun, National Membership Chairperson and Jeanne Byrd, President of the Atlanta Chapter.

Vashti Armbrister and Earlene P. Dotson were the organizers of the Greater Miami Chapter. They recruited a group of enterprising and innovative Christian women who wanted to make a positive impact in the lives of children and youth. Earlene Dotson, a dynamic leader, was elected the first President of the Greater Miami Chapter.

The following thirteen outstanding women of varied professional backgrounds, representing noble character and unrelenting determination, pledged to foster, promote, and develop the welfare of disadvantaged and underprivileged children and youth in the Greater Miami area:

Vashti Armbrister Cynthia Rider
Patricia Bryant Betty Hicks
Xuripha Clark Linda Holloway
Constance Davis Sandra Hudson
Earlene Dotson Brenda Jackson
Margorie Heard Dr. Wylamerle Marshall
  Cheryl Parker

Vassie K. Green presently serves as President of the Greater Miami Chapter. Past presidents are Dr. Dorris, Granberry, Mattie Williams, Dr. Earlene P. Dotson, Jewell Thomas-Walker, Christa Dotson Dean, Barbara Carr, Juanita Franklin and Charlene Hill respectively.

Through a five-point programmatic thrust, HEER – Health, Education, Employment, Recreation – plus Arts and Humanities, Continental women volunteer their time to work in schools, hospitals, and homes for youth as well as homes for mentally or emotionally challenged youth. Greater Miami Continentals have supported and participated in various programs including asthma awareness and education programs, camp sponsorships, shoe drives, college scholarships, community health fairs, recreation and fitness activities, humanities and arts through cultural sponsored events, young adult workforce readiness and employment seminars, assisted college-bound youth with attaining clothing and books and feeding homeless during the Holidays.

Past Presidents
Earlene Dotson January 1988 through September 1989
Earlene Dotson 1989-1991
Charlene Hill September 1991 through October 1991(relocated)
Juanita Franklin November 1991 through January 1992 (resigned)
Earlene Dotson February 1992 through 1993
Barbara Carr 1995- July 1997 (resigned)
Barbara Carr September 1997 through June 1998
Christa D. Dean 1998 - 2000
Christa D. Dean 2000 - 2003
Christa D. Dean 2003 - 2004
Jewell E. Thomas-Walker 2005 - 2006
Jewell E. Thomas-Walker 2007 - 2009
Earlene Dotson 2009 - 2011
Mattie J. Williams 2011-2013
Dr. Doris Granberry 2013-2017