As the presiding President. I want to extend a warm and sincere welcome, as well as provide an
overview of the Greater Miami Chapter (GMC) of Continentals Societies, ,Inc. service within our
rich community.
As a society we have triumphed and persevered during an unprecedented time in history with the COVID-19 pandemic and variants, challenging sickness, and caring for our loved ones.
In spite of the various hardships, the Continentals faced those tumultuous challenges head-on and continued to serve the children of the South Florida community through virtual platforms.
Astoundingly, our Chapter served over 3,,500 children through its H.E.E.R Plus Arts and Humanities Programs. These services include but are not limited to a mentoring program, youth career workshop series, African American Read-in, just to name a few. GMC awarded several scholarships which for the first time included book scholarships.
Annually, the Continentals look forward to addressing bullying, sponsor Red Ribbon Week activities and promote the Colgate Smile Campaign.
We welcome support from the community-at-large which may include but is not limited to in-kind donations, monetary contributions, and willing volunteers.
As always it is our goal as an organization to serve those children in need with the Spirit of Excellence, communicate with KINDNESS, and have an overall POSITIVE impact on each and every child in South Florida and abroad.


Walk for Breast Cancer
with Susan G. Komen
My Team consisted of Continentals Angelique Stinson, Jeannette Mallory, Annette Littlejohn, Susan Cambridge, Dr. Pat Collins, my friends Sybil Hamilton and Debra Recupero.
Together, we raised over $1500.
- Contributed by Continetal Rhonda Simmons.

Walk for Breast Cancer
with Susan G. Komen
My Team consisted of Continentals Angelique Stinson, Jeannette Mallory, Annette Littlejohn, Susan Cambridge, Dr. Pat Collins, my friends Sybil Hamilton and Debra Recupero.
Together, we raised over $1500.
- Contributed by Continetal Rhonda Simmons.

National History
In 1972, Continental Societies, Inc. initiated its national program "Operation Awareness; HEER -- Health, Education, Employment and Recreation". Each component of our programmatic thrust was chosen because of its significance in the lives of all children and youth. In 1977, a fifth component, Arts and Humanities, was added. These five areas provide the structure for continental service to the children we serve from babies to college students.
The Washington, DC chapter surveys, investigates, and reports the needs and problems of children and youth in its community and subsequently initiates and implements programs, projects, and activities in these areas designed to meet the community's needs. The projects range from health fairs and drug abuse programs to community health awareness seminars. "Reading is Fundamental" sponsorships, tutoring and scholarships awards, career and employability and job placement workshops, as well as cultural programs, etiquette and leadership academies all contribute to uplifting the lives of underserved children.
Special programs are developed to provide exposure to college campuses for students, stimulate their minds, broaden their cultural awareness, and brighten their future. The components of the Five Point Programmatic Thrust work independently collectively to maximize readiness future leaders.

A drive by was put together to celebrate the lady of the hour. She was showered with love, gifts and laughter!
The kindergarteners receive a book during each visit to build their own home libraries and share with their families. The intangible benefits are even greater. Since men tend to be seen as less involved in elementary education, spending time sharing books with a male role model allows all children to connect with the world of reading in a new and special way and encourages boys to see reading as something that guys enjoy too.
Meet Our Officers:Chapter PresidentImmediate Past President2nd Vice PresidentRecording Secretary
Meet Our Officers:Chapter PresidentImmediate Past President2nd Vice PresidentRecording SecretaryCorresponding SecretaryFinancial SecretaryTreasurerHistorianChaplain Sergeant-at-armsScholarship ChairAssociate MemberParliamentarian

- 2021- Present /

- 2021- Present /
Please write to us at:
Greater Miami Continental Societies, Inc.
P.O. Box 162238
Miami, FL 33116

- 2021- Present /

- 2021- Present /
Please write to us at:
Greater Miami Continental Societies, Inc.
P.O. Box 162238
Miami, FL 33116

- 2021 - Present /

- 2021 - Present /
Please write to us at:
Greater Miami Continental Societies, Inc.
P.O. Box 162238
Miami, FL 33116

- Arts and Humanities /

- Arts and Humanities /
Please write to us at:
Greater Miami Continental Societies, Inc.
P.O. Box 162238
Miami, FL 33116

- 2021- Present /

- 2021- Present /
Please write to us at:
Greater Miami Continental Societies, Inc.
P.O. Box 162238
Miami, FL 33116

- 2021- Present /

- 2021- Present /
Please write to us at:
Greater Miami Continental Societies, Inc.
P.O. Box 162238
Miami, FL 33116

- 2021 - Present /

- 2021 - Present /
Please write to us at:
Greater Miami Continental Societies, Inc.
P.O. Box 162238
Miami, FL 33116

- Arts and Humanities /

- Arts and Humanities /
Please write to us at:
Greater Miami Continental Societies, Inc.
P.O. Box 162238
Miami, FL 33116
Greater Miami Continental Societies, Inc.

Continental |MakingTheDelivery OfPajamasTo TheCenterGuy Meeks
Our ContinentalMakingThe DeliveryOf PajamasTo The CenterGuy Meeks
Continental Guy Meeks

The Minority Anti-Tobacco $14,000
The Minority Anti-Tobacco $14,000Task force Mini-Grant Program
Task force Mini-Grant ProgramPuryear, Inc. Storage
Puryear, Inc. StorageAvMed
AvMedBaptist Health Systems
Baptist Health SystemsBaptist Health Systems
Baptist Health SystemsBilzin Sumberg Dunn, Price Axelrod
Bilzin Sumberg Dunn, Price AxelrodBurger King Corporation
Burger King CorporationDennis Communications
Dennis CommunicationsEV Productions
EV ProductionsPublix Charities
Publix CharitiesSouthern Bell $500.00
Southern Bell $500.00The Fair -Dade County Youth Fair
The Fair -Dade County Youth FairGeiger Brothers South Florida
Geiger Brothers South FloridaEagle Security, Inc.
Eagle Security, Inc.Walking Word Christian Activewear
Walking Word Christian ActivewearThe Firm Beauty Salon and Day Spa
The Firm Beauty Salon and Day SpaWanda's Inc.
Wanda's Inc.Paul PJ Golatt
Paul PJ GolattMs. Susan L. Taylor
Ms. Susan L. TaylorMarie Pyfrom
Marie PyfromAnnesia O'Garro Pyfrom
Annesia O'Garro PyfromRichmond Heights Homeowners Association Comm.
Richmond Heights Homeowners Association Comm.The Minority Anti-Tobacco $14,000
The Minority Anti-Tobacco $14,000Task force Mini-Grant Program
Task force Mini-Grant ProgramPuryear, Inc. Storage
Puryear, Inc. StorageAvMed
AvMedBaptist Health Systems
Baptist Health SystemsBaptist Health Systems
Baptist Health SystemsBilzin Sumberg Dunn, Price Axelrod
Bilzin Sumberg Dunn, Price AxelrodBurger King Corporation
Burger King CorporationDennis Communications
Dennis CommunicationsEV Productions
EV ProductionsPublix Charities
Publix CharitiesSouthern Bell $500.00
Southern Bell $500.00The Fair -Dade County Youth Fair
The Fair -Dade County Youth FairGeiger Brothers South Florida
Geiger Brothers South FloridaEagle Security, Inc.
Eagle Security, Inc.Walking Word Christian Activewear
Walking Word Christian ActivewearThe Firm Beauty Salon and Day Spa
The Firm Beauty Salon and Day SpaWanda's Inc.
Wanda's Inc.Paul PJ Golatt
Paul PJ GolattMs. Susan L. Taylor
Ms. Susan L. TaylorMarie Pyfrom
Marie PyfromAnnesia O'Garro Pyfrom
Annesia O'Garro PyfromRichmond Heights Homeowners Association Comm.
Richmond Heights Homeowners Association Comm.FACTS & FIGURES
Outstanding women
Outstanding women of varied professional backgrounds, representing noble character and unrelenting determination, pledged to foster, promote, and develop the welfare of disadvantaged and underprivileged children and youth in the Greater Miami area.
Health initiative