HEER Statistics:Five-Point Programmatic thrustHEER plus Arts and HumanitiesHealthEducationEmploymentRecreation Arts and Humanities

Through our Five-Point Programmatic thrust, HEER plus Arts and Humanities - Health, Education, Employment, Recreation plus Arts and Humanities, Continental women internationally strive to adhere to the humanitarian precept of sharing with those in need. Nationally, regionally and locally. Continentals have created innovative activities while they volunteer their time through outreach programs in youth centers, schools, pediatric wards, homes for the delinquent, mentally retarded and emotionally challenged youth.
Continentals volunteer innovatively through tutoring, mentoring, after-school programs, apparel donations and Walk-a- thons. Mentoring programs are a major component of the Continental approach. Continental Societies, Inc. has served over 3 million children and youth with special needs for 50 years. Nationally, Continental Societies, Inc.’s Health initiative focuses on Asthma and Obesity and Education initiative focuses on Literacy and its effects on underprivileged children and youth.